Friday, February 1, 2008

Tips: Guide To Basic Computer Terminology

by: Bonnie Archer

Ram? Mouse? One is an animal and one is a rodent right? Ram...that is the zodiac sign for Aries... If this is what these words mean to you than you can surely use this quick glossary of computer terminology. It would be a good idea to read through them before purchasing a computer because these are things you should know about first. If you already have a computer then these computer terms can help you know what to do if your new computer equipment is unfamiliar. Also, this computer terminology can help you if you have to call in for technical help.

Okay lets go!

Cache: Cache is another type of memory kindred to RAM. The computer uses cache to quickly move data between the RAM and the CPU.

CD-ROM Drive: Most new computers now come with a CD-ROM drive as standard equipment. A CD-ROM drive reads data from a disc. These CDs look like a music CD, but hold data instead of music. CD-ROMs also contain games, dictionaries, recipe files, and lots of other things that you can load onto your computer.

CPU: The CPU, or central processing unit, is the brains of the computer. Most new Windows based programs use a Pentium processor or a AMD Athlon XP. New Macs use a different type of CPU called Power PC.

Disk Drive:Virtually all computers come with a disk drive that can read and save information on portable diskettes, also called floppy disks. You can use floppy disks to save information or to load new software onto your computer.

Hard Drive: The hard drive is also called the hard disk. You`ll probably never see it because it is nestled inside your computer. It`s the computer`s electronic filling cabinet, and it stores the computer`s operating system, files, programs and documents.

Keyboard: Just like a typewriter keyboard, this device is the primary way of inputting data into the computer programs.

Megahertz (MHz): This is the clock speed of the microprocessor. The higher the number, the quicker the information is processed. MHz relates to how many millions of instructions can be processed per second.

Memory:This is the circuitry or device that holds information in an electrical or magnetic form. There is read-only memory (ROM), which is information primarily stored on a disk, and random-access memory (RAM), which is chip-based storage inside the computer. Memory is typically measured in megabytes (MBs).

Modem:This mechanism connects a computer to a phone line so information can be sent from one computer to another or the user can access an on-line service or the Internet. In view of the popularity of the Internet, a modem is now considered basic equipment and comes on practically all-new computers. Most modems come with fax capabilities.

Monitor: An output device that allows you to see what you are doing (it is what you are looking into right now to see this). Most computers come with 14 or 15-inch monitors. This size is good for most people`s needs. Larger 17 or 21-inch monitors also are available, but may cost more. Myself, I prefer the 17-inch.

Motherboard:The motherboard is the circuit board that everything in the computer plugs into. The CPU, RAM and cache all plug into the motherboard.

Mouse: The mouse is another input device that makes getting around in your computer easier. It is a handheld object that is good for doing tasks such as moving and pointing to objects on the screen, and can replace the function and control keys of the keyboard. (If you need a lesson on how the mouse works and how to use it click here for a tutorial.)

Printer: A printer is an essential part of the computer if you want a hard copy of your work. There are four types of printers on the market: dot matrix, inkjet, bubble jet and laser. The dot matrix is the most basic. Most inkjets and bubble jets can print color and graphics, and a laser printer offers the best resolution at the highest speed.

RAM:Computers save data in two ways: on the hard drive and in random access memory or internal memory. New computer buyers should look for models with at least 16 MBs of RAM (or more, depending on what types of programs you`ll be running). Make sure that the computer can be upgraded.

Scanner:A scanner is a useful accessory to have if you are working with lots of artwork or photos. This device can copy written documents, pictures or photographs directly into your computer. There are three types of scanners: handheld, hopper-feed and flatbed.

Sound Card: This device allows your computer to reproduce music, sounds and voices. Make sure you have a sound card if you`re planning to play multimedia games.

Video Card: The video card is the part of the computer that sends the images to the monitor.

Well there you have it, a quick course on computer terms. I hope it has helped to guide you in your purchase of a new computer; or to help you with the one you have.

About The Author :
B. Archer is a successful author and publisher of A great source of
information about computers and computer accessories.

Tips: How To Make Money Online

by: Darren Power

There are endless ways of making money once you have traffic, and your blog will get you traffic. The income we will be looking at today will come from Google Adsense.

There are multiple benefits to having a blog including the low cost (or no cost), the resources that will help you get traffic to your blog and the fact that you can provide your blog as an RSS feed. An RSS feed will allow readers to automatically receive your updates into their RSS reader.

Let`s get started with our 6 steps.

1. Set up your blog. You will need to decide what you are going to blog about. You should decide on a theme and name your blog appropriately.

There are a number of free ways to set up a blog & to have it hosted for free. We will go with for our first blog.

Blogger will allow you to set up a blog for free they will host it for free and they will ping search engines every time you update, meaning you will get spidered & found.

Visit & click the button on the front page labelled `create your blog now` then follow the step by step instructions that Blogger provide.

Some key settings you will want to get right are:

I) `Host your blog at Blogger` = Yes
II) `Add your blog to our listings` = Yes
III) `Ping` = Yes
IV) `Publish Site Feed` = Yes

2. Write some content. Before we move any further there has to be some information on the site & that means that you have to make some entries. You can write some of these entries yourself & some can be quotes from sites of interest to your reader that you can post using the Google Toolbar.

You can download the Google toolbar for free at The toolbar includes a Blogger button. When you visit a site that has something of interest to your readers you can highlight the appropriate text & click the Blogger button. The content will then be added to your blog along with a link back to the site.

3. Once you have some content eg a weeks worth of blogging with 1 or 2 entries for everyday, you can apply for an adsense account. When you sign in to Blogger you will see an invitation to join Adsense. Use this link and apply for an account.

You can find out all about Adsense on the Adsense page but basically you get Google ads on your site & get paid if your visitor clicks them.

Google will decide what adverts show on your site based on the content it finds within.

You need to be aware that Google will decline your application if your site is not considered to have content. Nobody outside of Google knows the precise rules on this.

Once you have been accepted you can get some javascript from Google to add to you site. Copy this & then log in to Blogger.

Once you have logged into your blog you will see that one of the tabs across the top of the screen is labelled `Template`. Click this. You will need to know a little bit of HTML to help find the right location to paste your Google code. But with a little experimentation you will find the right place for you. See the resource box at the end of this article for more help.

I would suggest that the ads need to be seen when the site loads but should not be too obvious or dominate your site.

4. Write some more content. Try and keep your content coming at regular intervals as a number of directories will check on your site at regular intervals & the smarter ones will visit on a schedule based on your update schedule. They will probably determine this in the hours after you first submit to them. Which is what we will do next.

5. Submit your site to Blog & RSS directories. Because you are hosting at Blogger, will already be notified when you update your blog. (That means that every time you make a new entry they are automatically notified) You will need to manually submit to the various other directories some of which will require a link on your site to theirs.

You can add these links to your template below your Blogger logo. For a list of directories to get you started visit

6. Keep writing interesting content. Ideally you want people to come back again and again. As with customers its harder to get a new visitor than to keep existing visitors. So make it interesting, in fact make it so interesting that they can`t help but tell all their friends about it also.

As with most free ways to make money this will take time to get going, but if you can build a following you will make money.

About the author:
Darren Power is the author of The Money Seed, your step by step guide to making money online. For supplimentary information & free resources related to this article visit

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tips to Search Internet Effectively

Effective Internet Searching

1. Read the Tips Menu (Help)

Understand your Search Tool. Differ a search directory and a search engine. The Tips Menu or Help will provide valuable information about how to perform an effective search. If you have not looked at Help, Tips, or other guides, you are probably not making the best use of the search tool.

2. Prepare to Search

Think the thing what you are looking for. Create a list of search terms that you can work with. Consider what is the best search tool for the job.

3. Start with the Simple Search Tool

When you begin a search, use the simple mode to enter search terms.Some of the major tools like Alta Vista, AskJeeves, and others have designed the simple mode for ease of use. Natural language searching, links to RealName and DirectHit for finding major sites, and other features like Lycos' First and Fast retrieve good results with minimal expertise.

Refrain from entering a search with + and -, Boolean and, or, and not, parenthetical expressions, and other advanced features before you have simply entered the search term or terms. If you are searching a phrase, however, the " " around the search will generally lead to better results

4. Use Unique Terms to Retrieve More Specific Results

Search tools use language to retrieve results. The information you find depend on the words you choose. Since some terms generally have one or more meanings, less than perfect results are common when searching the internet. Try to use words that are specific and describe what you are looking for in unique ways.

5. Use Both the Simple Modes and the Advanced of Search Tools

Advanced Search is not only for "advanced searchers." However, the information that you are looking for often dictates how you will search. Learning to work with the Advanced Search modes does not take much more time or energy to learn to use, and it allows you to work with more search options and retrieve sites that are more relevant.

6. Use More than One Search Tools

Not all search tools are alike. A search will produce radically different results depending upon the tool used. Each tool has strengths and weaknesses. Take advantage of the strengths and use tools to your advantage. If you want to see this in action, try doing the same search on different tools. Compare the first ten sites retrieved by each tool.

7. Use the Directories in Search ToolsDirectories, such as what is used by Yahoo, are available on most search tools and help organize sites into categories. Use these categories to focus your search.

8. Use the MetaSearch Tools and Natural Language Tools to Begin a Search

MetaSearch tools, such as Ixquick Metasearch, VivĂ­simo, ProFusion, SurfWax, and others, search multiple tools simultaneously and are good tools to begin your research. Although the results are rarely as good as using an individual search tool, metasearchers are an excellent way to explore a topic and gather keywords and other information. After using a MetaSearch tool, refine the search by using the available features specific to each individual search tools.

Natural language searching, available on many tools such as AskJeeves, Alta Vista, and others allows a search to be formulated into a question. Translating a search into a question often helps to you refine the type of information you want to retrieve.

9. Use Capitalization When Appropriate or to Refine a Search

Not every search tool is case sensitive. However, you will not be penalized by using capitalization for a search. Capitalization will often retrieve sites that have the search term in the title--this tactic is especially useful when searching for a terms that are not capitalized unless they are in a title.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tips To Increase Your Confidence

by Kent Sayre

  1. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Too often, we place excess importance on potential problems. We all have a certain amount of energy so let’s apply it to creating extraordinary relationships, advancing our careers and meeting our goals INSTEAD of wasting that energy worrying. Take action on what you have control over and minimize risks for what you don’t. Then invest your energy wisely.
  2. In doing something for the first time, imagine that you have already done it in the past. Close your eyes, then vividly imagine you succeeding wildly at what you are really going to do for the first time. The mind does NOT know the difference between something VIVIDLY imagined and something real. Make it vivid by involving all 5 senses.
  3. Find someone who is already confident in that area and copy them. Model as many of their behaviors, attitudes, values, and beliefs for the context you want to be confident in as you can. How can you do this? Talk with them if you have access to them. If you don’t have access to them, get as much exposure to them as you can. This could be talking to people who know the person and/or buying their products if they have some.
  4. Use the “as-if” frame. I literally love this frame of mind. If you were confident, how would you be acting? How would you be moving? How would you be speaking? What would you be thinking? What would you tell yourself inside? By asking yourself these questions, you are literally forced to answer them by going into a confident state. You will then be acting “as-if” you are confident. Now just forget you are acting long enough and pretty soon you’ll develop it into a habit.
  5. Go into the future and ask if what you’re faced with is such a big deal. This might be a bit morbid and yet this works tremendously well. Imagine yourself on your deathbed looking back over your life. You are surrounded by your friends and family. You’re reviewing your life. Is what you’re faced with now even going to pop up? That’s highly unlikely. Keeping things in proper perspective really diminishes fear.
  6. Remember that you lose out on 100% of the opportunities that you never go for. To get what you want, ask for it. I fully believe that if I ask enough people for whatever I want, I can get it. This is not necessarily true and yet it’s a useful belief. As you think about your goals and what you are striving for, how effective would it be for you to believe that all the people out there want to help you if you only ask? Whether that is true or not in the “real world” does not matter. If you find that belief empowering, I invite you to adopt it as your own.Disarm the nagging, negative internal voice. That negative internal voice can keep anyone stopped. To disarm the internal voice, imagine a volume control and lower the volume. Or how about changing the internal voice to Mickey Mouse? Do you think you could take Mickey Mouse seriously if he were criticizing you? Change the voice to a clown voice. The point is to disarm the voice by altering the way it nags at you. If I hear my own voice nagging me, it stops me. If I hear a clown voice, I laugh and continue onward.

This article is based on the book, “Unstoppable Confidence” by Kent Sayre. To find out why Brian Tracy said, “This wonderful book will give you the boost toward success that can make all the difference!" you can visit and check out our 100% Lifetime Guarantee.

Tips To Make Relaxation

You sure have many problem, complicated matter in your life related to your works, job and family. These problems may make you feel mind and heart, painfull of all your bodies part.

Let's make relaxation, to overcome these problems, feel de-stress, enjoy, calm, and MEDITATION. This way was very popular to make relaxation in your life.

Meditation will help you relax and rejuvenate, increase your energy, clear your thinking and improve your emotional stability. All you need is a strong desire to improve your life and a willingness to practice simple meditation."

Here's how you can take a few moments to meditate while you're at the office, or anytime you're feeling stressed:
  • Find a place to sit comfortably. Sit or lie down your body
  • Let your body relax. Slack all of your muscles.
  • Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, say to yourself, "I am calm, serene and relaxed." Repeat this mantra a few times.
  • Release all of your matters in your life.
  • Let the chatter in your mind gradually fade away, and feel yourself entering a relaxed state.
  • Let each body part release any tension; relax your toes, ankles, knees, hips, stomach, elbows, shoulders, chest, throat, wrists, finger tips, lips, eyes.
  • Enjoy the feeling for a few minutes.
  • Get your relaxation...
  • Feel fresh of your mind and your body...

Tips For Interviewers in Job

Modified from From Willa K. Baum, Oral History for the Local Historical Society

Here are some tips for Interviewers.
  • An interview is not a dialogue. The whole point of the interview is to get the narrator to tell her story. Limit your own remarks to a few pleasantries to break the ice, then brief questions to guide her along.
  • Ask questions that require more of an answer than "yes" or "no." Start with "why," "how," "where," "what kind of. . ."
  • Ask one question at a time. Sometimes interviewers ask a series of questions all at once. Probably the narrator will answer only the first or last one.
  • Ask brief questions. We all know the irrepressible speech-maker who, when questions are called for at the end of a lecture, gets up and asks five- minute questions. It is unlikely that the narrator is so dull that it takes more than a sentence or two for her to understand the question.
  • Start with questions that are not controversial; save the delicate questions, if there are any, until you have become better acquainted. A good place to begin is with the narrator's youth and background.
  • Don't let periods of silence fluster you. Give your narrator a chance to think of what she wants to add before you hustle her along with the next question. Relax, write a few words on your notepad.
  • Don't worry if your questions are not as beautifully phrased as you would like them to be for posterity. A few fumbled questions will help put your narrator at ease as she realizes that you are not perfect and she need not worry if she isn't either. It is not necessary to practice fumbling a few questions; most of us are nervous enough to do that naturally.
  • Don't interrupt a good story because you have thought of a question, or because your narrator is straying from the planned outline. If the information is pertinent, let her go on, but jot down your questions on your notepad so you will remember to ask it later.
  • It is often hard for a narrator to describe people. An easy way to begin is to ask her to describe the person's appearance. From there, the narrator is more likely to move into character description.
  • Interviewing is one time when a negative approach is more effective than a positive one. Ask about the negative aspects of a situation. For example, in asking about a person, do not begin with a glowing description.
  • Try to establish at every important point in the story where the narrator was or what her role was in this event, in order to indicate how much is eye-witness information and how much based on reports of others. Work around these questions carefully, so that you will not appear to be doubting the accuracy of the narrator's account.
  • Do not challenge accounts you think might be inaccurate. Instead, try to develop as much information as possible that can be used by later researchers in establishing what probably happened. Your narrator may be telling you quite accurately what she saw.
  • Try to avoid "off the record" information--the times when your narrator asks you to turn off the recorder while she tells you a good story. Ask her to let you record the whole things and promise that you will erase that portion if she asks you to after further consideration. You may have to erase it later, or she may not tell you the story at all, but once you allow "off the record" stories, she may continue with more and more, and you will end up with almost no recorded interview at all.
  • Don't switch the recorder off and on. It is much better to waste a little tape on irrelevant material than to call attention to the tape recorder by a constant on-off operation. For this reason, I do not recommend the stop- start switches available on some mikes. If your mike has such a switch, tape it to the "on" position--then forget it.
  • End the interview at a reasonable time. An hour and a half is probably the maximum. First, you must protect your narrator against over-fatigue; second, you will be tired even if she isn't. Some narrators tell you very frankly if they are tired, or their spouses will. Otherwise, you must plead fatigue, another appointment, or no more tape.
  • Don't use the interview to show off your knowledge, vocabulary, charm, or other abilities. Good interviewers do not shine; only their interviews do.

Tips To Exercise Your Success

You need to success, I need to success and Everybody need to success in all of her/his jobs, careers, activities, and business. We may exercise our success with some activities that can stimulate our heart. We can do: Swimming, cycling, jogging, running, skiing, aerobic dancing, walking or any of dozens of other activities can help our heart. We'll feel warm, perspire and breathe heavily without being out of breath and without feeling any burning sensation in our muscles. Do this exercise program just part of our daily routine, all exercise adds up to a healthier heart.

Some tips for exercise your success:

  • Consult with your doctor, if you are overweight, have a high risk of coronary heart disease or some other chronic health problem. Ask your doctor for a medical evaluation before beginning a physical activity program.
  • Choose variety activities that make you feel fun, not exhausting, not boring. Develop a repertoire of several activities that you can enjoy.
  • Wear comfortable, properly fitted footwear and comfortable, loose-fitting clothing appropriate for the weather and the activity.
  • Hear songs and musics to keep you entertained and feel happy.
  • Find a convenient time and place to do activities. Try to make it a habit, but be flexible. If you miss an exercise opportunity, work activity into your day another way.
  • Don't overdo it. Do low- to moderate-level activities, especially at first. You can slowly increase the duration and intensity of your activities as you become more fit.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people. Decide what kind of support you need. Do you want them to remind you to exercise? Ask about your progress? Participate with you regularly or occasionally? Go with you to a special event, such as a 10K walk/run? Be understanding when you get up early to exercise? Spend time with the children while you exercise? Share your activity time with others. Make a date with a family member, friend or co-worker.
  • Keep a record of your activities. Reward yourself at special milestones. Nothing motivates like success!

Tips To Save Your Money to Invest

Do you feel anxiety to invest your money in stocks or business? Caused there're huge uncertainties in this sector? Follow this tips to save your money to invest...

A great guide on saving money to invest is book called The Richest Man in Babylon. This book offers invaluable advise on how to save and invest money. This isn't a get rich quick scheme, but sound principles on how to gain wealth systematically starting with a foundation of saving money.

Rule 1: Save 10% of your income.
Spending 90% of what you earn and invest the other 10% is an incredibly powerful principle of wealth. Unfortunately, this is one of those principles that is easy to read about yet can be somewhat difficult to do. It's takes desire and diligence on your part to get to this great goal of saving 10% and making it a habit for the rest of your life. You might find it easier to not hop straight into 10%, but start small and take gradual steps to 10%.

Rule 2: Control your expenses.
The key to saving 10% of your income is creating a budget that keeps your expenses within the 90% of your total income.

Rule 3: Invest the money you saved.
All of the money that you saved, which hopefully is 10% of your income, should be invested.

Rule 4: Don't invest in risky investments.
Don't invest in get rich quick schemes or investments that extremely risky. It's best to stick with investments that make sense to you. There is a Theory in the things of investment ; "High Risk High Return and Low Risk Low Return". It's depend on your risk style, Risk Taker or Risk Avoider.

Rule 5: Own your own home.
Owning your own home rather than renting is a good wealth building investment.

Rule 6: Invest for your future.
Invest with your financial goals in mind such as children's college, new home, any large purchases, retirement, etc.

Rule 7: Increase your ability to earn money.
Never stop improving yourself in areas that can benefit you financially. Taking classes or reading up on latest trends to improve your work skills is essential. Never settle for less than what you want in life and continue improving yourself in the areas that can help you increase your ability to earn money in the future.

These seven important rules are not just a plan on saving money to invest, but a systematic way to increase your wealth year after year.

Tips for Skin Care: Look Stunning in Your 40s

by Farrell Seah

Stay Beautiful in Your 40s

Deeper wrinkles and reduced elasticity and firmness are the most common skin problems in this decade, as years of sun exposure and declining estrogen take their toll.

As you age, decreasing estrogen levels influence the production of other substances in your body. For example, the amount of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring chemical that helps keep skin firm, begins to decline, affecting your skin's ability to retain moisture.

Oil production also slows down, reducing natural lubrication. To help counteract these changes, use creams that contain humectants (like glycerin, citric acid, propylene glycol, urea, and phospholipids) and emollients (such as petrolatum, shea butter, and cetyl alcohol) to seal in moisture.

Skin Care Tips

1. Amp up your regimen. Look for cleansers and toners with more moisturizing capacity. Exfoliate more often.

2. Check your eyes. The skin around your eyes is thinner and may develop more obvious lines, discoloration or puffiness. Use specialized spot treatments for the eye area.

3. Choose multi-tasking makeup. Many modern cosmetics gently treat as they cover. Use those especially designed for aging or damaged skin. Caution: Hold back on coloration as heavy makeup can make imperfections more glaring.

4. Pour on some body love. Indulge your body to improve your mood and alleviate the discomforts of hot flashes and night sweats. Use shower gels and lotions liberally.

5. Practice a regular cleansing routine. Cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize...this daily routine should carry you on your way toward healthier skin. Select a gentle skin cleansing solution that works for your specific type of skin - dry, oily, normal.

Using your selected product, cleanse face in a circular motion and rinse with lukewarm water, as hot water zaps skin's moisture.

6. Daily use of sunscreen products with at least an SPF of 15 and antioxidants along with protective clothing such as full-brimmed hats, long sleeved blouses and shirts, and slacks instead of shorts will greatly reduce the aging of the skin and the possibility of skin cancer.

7. Facial skin care should also be of concern and sunglasses should be worn while outside. This will protect the eyelids from aging and will help reduce crows feet by reducing the squinting which comes from sun exposure without eye protection.

8. Scaly patches of skin can be a disappointment if you are planning to bare your skin. These spots are 'eczema', which presents itself in a number of ways, including itching, rashes and thickened brown patches of skin. People who suffer from hay fever and other allergies may be at greater risk of developing eczema.

Keep the affected areas well moisturized using a thick moisturizing cream. You can also try experimenting with a lotion containing AHAs to slough off the thickened skin. Avoid picking or scratching at the patches as this can lead to bleeding and scarring. Visit a dermatologist if the problem persists.

9. Frequent weight gains and losses can also dramatically affect the elasticity of the skin. When the weight is gained, the skin stretches to accommodate the excess weight. When a lot of weight is lost, quickly, the skin doesn't have time to accommodate the changing contours and sagging and premature wrinkling can occur.

Gradual weight loss should not impact the skin, although a reduced calorie diet can cause the skin to look dull and lifeless unless the diet is well balanced.

10. Many studies have been done over the years demonstrating the healing and physiological properties of bovine colostrum. Colostrum helps the immune system to function more efficiently, maintain peak performance and fight acne causing bacteria.

Colostrum supplies growth factors (hormones) as well as stimulating the endocrine system to keep producing its own supply of hormones. Research strongly indicates that the combination of growth and immune factors in colostrum works together to create a potent anti-aging effect, including tighter skin, and regrowth of cells and tissue of organs that normally decrease in size with age.

Daily supplementation on Bovine Colostrum allows the body to have improved resilience against any type of stress. Overall health and well being is accomplished when the body has all of the necessary factors it needs for defense, healing and repair.

If you have special skin issues, such as stubborn acne, rosacea, or extremely sensitive or oily skin, the best thing to do is to seek out the advice of a professional dermatologist.

Pretty, healthy skin is well within your grasp, with a little bit of awareness, determination and persistence on your part. The results are definitely worth it. Live juicy and be happy with your largest organ!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tips To Get The First TRAFFIC

As a new blogger and publisher, we often have difficulties to get first visitor / traffic to our blog. Yes, it's very hard to get the first visitor on your blog ?. Don't be sad. Here I would share some tips on how to get the first visitor on your blog.

Your first blog have created. Several posts have been published. But the free hit counter keep showing no visitor. Maybe the counter shows one visitor only every time you load your page. If your hit counter is set with “self visit is excluded”, that’s great !, means the only one visitor is really your very first visitor.

When your blog haa just created, it has actually not been published yet to any search engine. It is just parked on the blog’s server only.

Tip 1 : Submit your blog’s URL to search engines

A search engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a computer system. Search engines help to minimize the time required to find information and the amount of information which must be consulted, akin to other techniques for managing information overload.The most public, visible form of a search engine is a Web search engine which searches for information on the World Wide Web. (Wikipedia)

The first step to do; Submit your blog url to search engines. The more search engine you send your URL to, the more chance for your new blog to get indexed by search engine, the more chance to get new visitor for your new blog. The biggest search engines like Google, Yahoo & MSN are a target you should submit your URL. In addition, if you have enough time, you may find directories that relevant to your topic, and then send your blog URL to the directories. This way will give you opportunities to get unique and targeted visitors.

Tip 2 : Publicize your blog offline

If your blog has not been published yet, there is no way for peoples to reach your blog unless if you let them know about your blog URL. While waiting for the new blog to get indexed by search engine or directories let your friends, colleagues, or family know your blog’s URL. One of the simple way to make it done is by tailoring a nice signature using your blog URL and put it on every bottom of natural e-mail you submit to them, but never do spam, or you will be deleted from their friend list. You may get some visitor from them.

Tip 3 : Visit other’s blog and give a relevan comment, leave your URL

If you have more time, visit other’s blog (your friend's blog), and submit a relevan comment, if it’s allowed put a signature using your URL. Avoid irrelevant comment, that won’t be effective, the blog owner most probably will delete your comment. In the next, the owner of the blog that you've visited, will follow the link you leave with the signature.

Tip 4 : Join with the relevant forum with your blog content

You may search some forum that discussed about relevant topic to your blog content. Sign in to that forum, and give your URL to members of forum. Many of forum member will visit your link..and you will get some of visitor to your blog.

The basic tips above are enough to get your first visitor, while your blog has not been indexed yet, you may get not your very first visitor but your first tens visitor. While giving a try to the above tips, keep writing and post to your blog. Try it..and Good Luck..!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tips To Upgrade Your MIND

There are some surveys results that.. Almost all of People use their mind (brain) just 12%. How to exercise/upgrade your open mind..??

Simply put, doing unique, random, different, and ridiculous things is a good way to exercise the mind and promote new ways of thinking about the world around us. One hour of increased brain activity via thinking a lot or experiencing new stimuli can make you smarter, more energetic, more creative, more sociable, and more open to new experiences and ways of thinking. Here are some of the endless numbers of activities that can stimulate your brain. The key ingredients are to be open to new experiences, and changes in previous ways of thinking about these experiences.

  1. Stimulate your ears differently. Try different music you haven't tried before. Listen to a radio station you typically don't listen to. Listen something else what people say. You don't have to like it at first, but if you keep an open mind, you can still find it interesting.
  2. Stimulate your eyes in new ways. Go to a cheap or free art gallery. Even if you think it's bad art, it can still be stimulating and thought provoking.
  3. Watch shows that you don't watch or that you often discriminate against, even though you have never watched them.
  4. Learn about different people and lifestyles. A great gateway into this is Wikipedia, where you can read articles on a wide variety of practices. Consider how many members they have worldwide. Volunteer with an organization that works with a community of people you are unfamiliar with.
  5. Learn something new, While waiting (in line at the bank, a coffee shop, a restaurant, the grocery store, or waiting for someone to pick you up), ponder things, calculate, memorize. You can try to remember all of your high school teachers' names, memorize Prime Numbers, get fast at reciting the alphabet backwards, the Greek alphabet (forwards and backwards), remember how many movies Tom Cruise has been in, try Doubling numbers, start at 1, to 2, to 4, to 8, till you get to larger numbers than you can handle.
  6. Take unusual classes. Find a community college or community-based educational program near you, pick up a catalog, and open your mind to learning things like Art History, First Aid training, or Business Ethics. You could even find unexpected topics such as Vampires and Werewolves. Learn different languages (Japanese, French, Arabic, Italian, Navajo, etc.) especially those with roots very different from your own.
  7. Learn to write with the hand you do not write with. Change your computer keyboard setting to Dvorak and type away! Or try to do other things with the wrong about ping-pong?
  8. Try to see another person's perspective. What is important to that person? What is he or she self-conscious about? Is that person as open minded as you?
  9. Learn to read and write any language that you don't know. Here are a few ideas: Portuguese, Spanish, German, Arabic, Aramaic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian, Latin, Welsh and Dutch.
  10. Travel - becoming an outsider really exposes a mind to new things. You can even do this travel inside your country or state! How well do you know your own city? Have you tried using only a bike, or only using your own two feet and public transportation? (Ever considered what it's like if that was the only means to get around, say if you were physically unable to drive around? Being a pedestrian once in a while will make you a better driver.) Go off the beaten path!
  11. etc...