There are some surveys results that.. Almost all of People use their mind (brain) just 12%. How to exercise/upgrade your open mind..??
Simply put, doing unique, random, different, and ridiculous things is a good way to exercise the mind and promote new ways of thinking about the world around us. One hour of increased brain activity via thinking a lot or experiencing new stimuli can make you smarter, more energetic, more creative, more sociable, and more open to new experiences and ways of thinking. Here are some of the endless numbers of activities that can stimulate your brain. The key ingredients are to be open to new experiences, and changes in previous ways of thinking about these experiences.
- Stimulate your ears differently. Try different music you haven't tried before. Listen to a radio station you typically don't listen to. Listen something else what people say. You don't have to like it at first, but if you keep an open mind, you can still find it interesting.
- Stimulate your eyes in new ways. Go to a cheap or free art gallery. Even if you think it's bad art, it can still be stimulating and thought provoking.
- Watch shows that you don't watch or that you often discriminate against, even though you have never watched them.
- Learn about different people and lifestyles. A great gateway into this is Wikipedia, where you can read articles on a wide variety of practices. Consider how many members they have worldwide. Volunteer with an organization that works with a community of people you are unfamiliar with.
- Learn something new, While waiting (in line at the bank, a coffee shop, a restaurant, the grocery store, or waiting for someone to pick you up), ponder things, calculate, memorize. You can try to remember all of your high school teachers' names, memorize Prime Numbers, get fast at reciting the alphabet backwards, the Greek alphabet (forwards and backwards), remember how many movies Tom Cruise has been in, try Doubling numbers, start at 1, to 2, to 4, to 8, till you get to larger numbers than you can handle.
- Take unusual classes. Find a community college or community-based educational program near you, pick up a catalog, and open your mind to learning things like Art History, First Aid training, or Business Ethics. You could even find unexpected topics such as Vampires and Werewolves. Learn different languages (Japanese, French, Arabic, Italian, Navajo, etc.) especially those with roots very different from your own.
- Learn to write with the hand you do not write with. Change your computer keyboard setting to Dvorak and type away! Or try to do other things with the wrong about ping-pong?
- Try to see another person's perspective. What is important to that person? What is he or she self-conscious about? Is that person as open minded as you?
- Learn to read and write any language that you don't know. Here are a few ideas: Portuguese, Spanish, German, Arabic, Aramaic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian, Latin, Welsh and Dutch.
- Travel - becoming an outsider really exposes a mind to new things. You can even do this travel inside your country or state! How well do you know your own city? Have you tried using only a bike, or only using your own two feet and public transportation? (Ever considered what it's like if that was the only means to get around, say if you were physically unable to drive around? Being a pedestrian once in a while will make you a better driver.) Go off the beaten path!
- etc...
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